Abreu, Amelia
University of Washington
Tag games, tweets, and recipes: Sharing and the archives of the Networked domestic
Anderson, Steve
Users allowed: Fair use and Critical Commons
Besser, Howard
New York University
Reimagining archives for the digital scholar of the future
Coffman, Elizabeth
Tom Weinberg
Sara Chapman

Loyola University Chicago
Media Burn Archive
The Web 2.0 archive: and many-to-many archiving
de Rijcke, Sarah
Anne Beaulieu

Virtual Knowledge Studio
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences
The enactment of museum collections in digital infrastructures: Authorizing actors, configuring expertise
Frey, Valentine
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
Memory systems: A conceptual and methodological solution considering audiovisual archives in the digital era
Hunter, John
The inescapable archive: Cinematic representations of the computer ecosystem
Lauder, Adam
York University
Raisonné as interactive archive and virtual research environment
Lowood, Henry
Stanford University
Video Capture: Machinima, Documentation, and the History of Virtual Worlds
Loyer, Erik
Introducing Scalar: Designs for innovation
Mandagará, Pedro
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
A new kind of forgetting: The Brazilian mailzine, 1998-2002
Mattern, Shannon
The New School
Excavating: Digging into urban media history through the archive
McAllister, Ken
University of Arizona
Judd Ruggill
Arizona State University
Computer Game Archiving & the Serious Work of Being Silly
McMahon, Kevin
Archival walls to archival screens: Some post-classical precedents
Noordegraaf, Julia
University van Amsterdam
Performing the archive: Archivists as editors of knowledge
Prelinger, Rick
Archivist, Founder
The Prelinger Archives
We Are the New Archivists: Artisans, Activists, Cinephiles, Citizens
Richardson, Anne
Independent film historian
Nyback, Dennis
Independent film archivist
The Portland that was: Archival film, video, and live screenings illuminate local history
Ridolfo, Jim
University of Cincinnati
Michael McLeod

Michigan State University
Tailoring the digital archive to the needs of cultural and scholarly stakeholders: The Samaritan Archive 2.0 Project
Williams, Mark
Dartmouth College
(Presented at the Symposium by Steve Anderson)
The history of now: Media ecology and the news
Wright, Richard
BBC Research & Development
You can be serious: Broadcast archives and academic discourse
Yee, Martha
UCLA Film & Television Archive
Reimagining moving image archival cataloging using the World Wide Web

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The UCLA-produced text and multimedia materials appearing on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Participant content remains the sole work of the authors. Contact presenters directly for any questions regarding re-use.